About Us

Image showing Company Directors, Elaine Town and Dale Town

Trusted across the UK and the USA, DAT Performance provides compliance consultancy services and compliance software packages.

Used across multiple business sectors our services cover the majority of ISO and BRC management standards. 

Our USPs include our range of knowledge, competence, expertise, ProActive software and core operating standards.

Our service approach delivers effective management systems, first time certification, repeat business, continual improvement, regulatory compliance, reduced tender barriers, risks and reduced operating costs.

Scroll down to learn a little more about our core operating standards and our recent history.

Core Operating Standards

Build ISO and BRC systems that add value

Surpass client expectations

Develop and set new standards of client care

Use the best available ISO and BRC compliance software - ProActive

Develop leadership within our client base

Differentiate through business excellence

Build mutually beneficial working relationships and trust

Place clients front and centre in our thinking

Challenge the status quo at every opportunity!

DAT Performance History


DAT Performance founded in April 2006 by Dale and Elaine Town to fill a gap in the market for high quality " common sense" ISO and BRC Global consultancy services.


DAT expanded to cover ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and lean services. The business continued to grow throughout the recession, building an reputation for excellence and achieving numerous; ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 27001 certifications for its clients.


2012 saw DAT increase its consultant group to fourteen, covering both UK and international ISO projects. The majority of consultants being chartered in their respective disciplines and considered to be experts in their own right.


ProActive 1 successfully introduced filling a gap in the market for easy to use cost effective web ISO systems software.


ProActive 4 software released providing DAT clients with exceptional ISO software capability, simply unmatched by other web based packages.


ProActive 6 launched August 2018 adding an application for remote site or workshop information download and upload using hand held devices such as mobile phones and tablets.


ProActive reaches new heights of success with higher numbers of client users. ProActive 7 software introduced in July to include additional innovations including instruction manuals for all key software functions.


April 2020 new ProActive Doc Manager, Performance Leader and Business Manager packages made available to clients. New compliance evaluation software containing regulatory requirements and compliance check capability added to ProActive.


DAT celebrates its first fifteen years of business success delivering performance improvements and ISO / BRC certifications to a vast range of clients using its best in class ISO management software ProActive.


New web site dedicated solely to ProActive ISO / BRCGS compliance software sales launched. Web site launched following the success of ProActive in competing with other more costly and less technically competent software packages.


Extensive upgrades to ProActive including external provider management, action log enhancements. In effect much more for less, placing ProActive over the competition for quality, value and speed of compliance delivery! ProActive master classes introduced to help clients maximise their ProActive competitive advantage! Dedicated web site www.proactiveqms.com introduced to bring our great software to more clients.


Continued success with both our ProActive compliance software and our first rate ISO and BRC consultancy services. Innovations recognised through client accolades relating to DATs revised ISO 14001 methodologies for easy, practical measurement of environmental performance and improvements. New 8D problem solving training course successfully introduced and well received in the UK.

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Offices throughout the UK, clients across the globe!

Head Office - Bingley, West Yorkshire