Frequently asked questions relating to ISO certification:

Why choose DAT?

1.Our services are unequalled for quality, value, professionalism and results

2. We use don't use complicated terms or jargon

3. Our consultant selection process is rigorous

4. Our expertise in ISO system delivery is second to none

5. We simply get on with the job of getting you where you need to be!

6. We have a first time success rate of 100% 

What is ProActive?

ProActive is DATs ISO management software package, click here for more information.

What do I need to know when selecting a consultant?

Making the wrong consultant choice can be costly in the longer term. There are lots of consultants to choose from a variable pot, some great some poor. DAT works on the basis that our clients come first. Our consultants operate from a formal code of conduct. Our client management systems will always be tailored against requirements including compliance obligations. Make sure that the consultant under consideration has the required qualifications, experience and a track record of success. If the consultant is immediately available, beware. Most decent consultants are available on a four to six week lead time basis or even longer. Often it is much better to wait in order to get the right result.

What is the difference between accreditation and certification?

Certification bodies such as BSI, ALCUMUS, SGS and NQA in the UK are accredited by UKAS or the United Kingdom Accreditation Service or ANAB the American National Accreditation Board in the USA. Certification or registration is provided by UKAS, ANAB or other nationally accredited certification bodies.

Why use UKAS when non-accredited certification costs less?

Certification provided by non accredited certification bodies is not accepted by the majority of customers seeking to establish the risks associated with your capability to provide products or or services. Non accredited certification bodies are not subject to routine scrutiny by UKAS or an equivalent national body such as ANAB. As such, non accredited certification is not considered to have the same level of credibility as that provided by accredited certification bodies. Buyer beware, if the deal sounds too good to be true it probably is!

Sourcing the right consultancy

Ask the consultancy to provide evidence of recent and past results for the standards against which you are seeking certification. Ask for references and the permission to validate any provided references. Ask for evidence of any consultant qualifications against which claims are made. Be cautious of web site claims that consultants are qualified lead auditors. These claims are often made on the basis of training course attendance only and often have no relevance to the consultant's actual auditor competence. Genuine Lead Auditors are registered with an appropriate body such as the IRCA or IEMA.

What is the cost?

Costs vary and depend on the type of service required by the client. We work to ensure that the lowest cost and highest level of value are delivered for all projects. Official quotes with fixed costs are provided usually following initial scoping visits or detailed discussions.

Can DAT Performance provide support post certification?

We don’t abandon you once certification is achieved! Key to our success are the trust and relationships built up during a system build project. Once certification is achieved we are available for email and telephone support. If additional and more involved support is required from your consultant to maintain the system this can be arranged and usually at the day rate charged for the original project. Support typically involves auditing and further systems development.

How long does it take to achieve certification?

It depends on the scope and size of the project. Typically a ISO 9001:2015 project can range between three to six months. 

How do I become an ISO 9001 internal auditor?

Join us on one of our lowest cost internal auditor courses. Our trainers are all experienced Lead auditor and possess an extensive track record in the development of effective internal auditors. 

How can my business achieve ISO 9001 certification?

ISO 9001 certification is achieved by initially building a Quality Management System that complies with ISO 9001:2015.

Certification is achieved following the selection of a suitably qualified and accredited certification body and successful completion of a two stage assessment process. If successful your assessor will recommend your organization for ISO 9001 certification. The two stage assessment reports following assessor submission are validated on receipt by the certification body. If the assessment report passes a routine validation check by the certification body's compliance team ISO 9001 certification is awarded shortly thereafter.

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