ProActive case studies

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(MAG) Manchester Airport

The team at (MAG) Manchester Airport operate a sophisticated range of risk controls covering their numerous and varied compliance obligations. When the decision was made by MAG to integrate ISO 9001:2015 with their existing compliance systems a simple yet highly effective approach was identified as a requirement.

Following a rigorous selection process the decision was taken by MAG to adopt ProActive the ISO compliance software package available from DAT Performance.

From being unclear on where to start with the process of Quality and Safety Management System integration, the MAG compliance team rapidly moved on working with DAT Performance using their ProActive ISO software to integrate their ISO management systems. The result was and remains an effective and easy to use ISO management system.

Having easily achieved ISO 9001 certification the MAG Manchester Airport compliance team believe that they have taken an enormous step forward.

MAG's ProActive ISO compliance software has now established itself as a vital tool in maintaining ISO 9001 certification. At the same time ProActive continues to provide a solid basis for continual improvement of MAG's vital compliance processes.

The MAG team intend to progress further in the near future, extending the use of their ProActive ISO management software to scope to the wider Airfield Operations team.

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